_Holla Cycle

The ultimate scare tactic: everything is open-ended, left for discussion, TBC, up for review. What is this, is it democracy, is it terrorism, is it market oriented capitalism? Is it just plain bullshit? What are you voting for, what can and cannot you choose?

Let me enlighten you, fellow idiot:

You choose your right to be scared of a particular subset of things or a different subset of things. You don’t choose independence, you don’t vote for the preservation of a national identity, you are not even voting against foreigners. You are electing a fear of your own, one that you can call yours. You are choosing between established rot or foundation-less hesitation. Constant decay or doubt! Those are your only options.

And guess what?

You always lose.

Let me tell you something. Fear has allowed a very particular group of people (and their heir) to dominate countries for centuries. A flag is a piece of fabric, a passport is a piece of paper and your identity is actually only so thanks to the fact that we have thousands of different cultural backgrounds, call it tradition, religion, call it gastronomy or art, call it whatever the fuck you want: without perspective, you wouldn’t even be conscious of your own color. And what is an agreement based on a flag, a border, a particular citizenship?

Guess that one for yourself buddy. I am too busy dealing with an endless streak of bureaucracy that will effectively change nothing in my head, or life, apart from promoting further decay and perpetuating the constant hesitation that already exists all over this modern political scenario of ours that exists purely fueled by terror and shame.

_New Mondays

From time to time I become obsessed with the idea of doing something of relevance with my life. It would have to be something fulfilling both in its usefulness – there’s room for argument in there – and its spiritual depth. Something that you would hold, or look at or think about and feel immediately lifted to a higher, better place. A happier place.

Living is about being happy. We achieve this both through most bizarre and simplest ways.

Sometimes – more and more often as we grow older, perhaps – happiness becomes a sort of currency that goes to the detriment of others’ happiness. As if there was a limited pool of it sitting somewhere and it fluctuated according to our actions like a moon-driven tide, pulled in cycles that remain yet to be figured out.

Some other times the chance to be happy is just in front of us, too frightening to even look at it. It seems never-ending, vast and free. Full of possibilities in itself, an enormous source of delight.  Some people take the leap and march ruthlessly towards a fearless existence, some others turn to the twisted version of the path to joy.

Of course, like many other things in this life of ours, there’s little room to judge which one is better than the other. After all, every single of us have different priorities marked by our own experiences and goals.